After the buyer submits an order, the seller will immediately receive a notification that a new order has been issued to them.
To view the order/orders, the seller needs to go to the “Orders” menu.
When entering the active ID of the order, a new window opens, providing information about the order. From this view, the seller can perform possible subsequent actions, namely “Reject” or “Start Processing”.
If the seller begins processing the order, the button will change its text to “Mark as Shipped.” The option to “Reject” will still be active. Meanwhile, the status in the overall order table under the “Orders” menu will display as “Processing”.
From the table below, the status of the order can also be changed using the buttons in the last column labeled “Actions.”
The final status is “Shipped,” and when the counterparty or buyer completes it from their side, the order status becomes “Completed” for the seller.
Depending on the payment conditions specified for the particular purchase at the beginning of the auction creation, even if the order is marked as “Completed,” it may not necessarily mean that it has been fully paid for. The status of “Completed” indicates that the seller has fulfilled their responsibility for preparing and dispatching the order as required in the terms, but they may still be awaiting payments if the payment terms specify so.
If the seller sets the status of the order to “Rejected,” then the contractual relationship between the parties is governed by the Contract/General Terms attached to the auction by the buyer, to which the seller agreed when submitting an offer in the auction, or by another externally signed contract that regulates the conditions of the order.