The sellers have the ability to manage the products they sell in their product list. The processes of product management consist of adding, editing, archiving, and restoring products, as well as determining incoterms (International Commercial Terms) and visibility settings.
Adding new products can be done in two ways. The first way is by searching for the product in the Product Catalog by filtering categories and subcategories. The second way is creating a personalized product under a specific product category.
As a result of the search, the seller will have a view of product cards, each containing information about the product in it. After finding the desired product in the Product Catalog, the seller can add it to their product list by marking it in the small squares in the upper right corner of each product card.
After selecting the necessary products, press the “Add to product list” button.

A window will appear where you can enter the price for each product you want to add, only then will the “Add to product list” button be activated. The price may not be filled in, and by default, it is indicated that the product becomes Public, or visible to all participants in the platform. The seller can edit the price, or delete it, at any time, in “Product List” menu.

To manage added or created products from now on, the seller should go to “Product List” menu.
Select “Product List” to see all the products contained within it. When you find the product you want to edit, check the small square next to the name of the specific product, and the drop-down menu “Actions” will become active.

Users have the option to correct a product only if they have created it or copied and modified it, and then added it to their product list. To determine the preferred type of visibility for products, select “Set Visibility” from the drop-down menu “Actions” after marking. The two options you can choose from are “Public” and “Hidden”. Choosing public visibility will make the products and their prices visible to all users on the platform, while hidden visibility will make the products and prices visible only to the owner of the product list. After selecting the desired type of visibility, press “OK” and “Close”.

From the Actions list, the first option is “Archive Product”. This way, the product is not deleted; it remains in an archive of inactive products for your product list. You can view the list of archived products by setting “Show Archived” to active in the Settings. When you select a product from the archived list, you have the option, through “Actions”, to restore the product, making it active again in the nomenclature.

Determining Incoterms (International Commercial Terms) is another type of setting available in your product list. Incoterms consist of 11 internationally recognized, predefined trade terms created by the International Chamber of Commerce. All incoterms are represented by three-letter abbreviations and dictate the seller’s and buyer’s obligations regarding the shipment and provision of goods, as well as their documentation and logistics. To choose from these 11 incoterms, select the “Set Terms” button. When you have finished making your selection, press “OK” and “Close”.
In the column under “Price”, the monetary value of each product, set during its creation, is described. This price is adjusted by entering the desired value directly into the field. It is not mandatory, but becomes visible to all participants on the platform after filling it in.