To view offers submitted by sellers and place orders based on them, the buyer needs to enter their IPS list, where all their available IPSs are located, and select the relevant one for which they want to place an order. Once they open the IPS, they should select the “Offers in Nomenclature” menu. There, they can review all received offers, containing names of offering sellers, amounts, and other details.

After analyzing all offers submitted by the sellers, the buyer decides which offer to place an order for. To initiate the product order, the buyer must specify the quantity they wish to order for a specific product by selecting a specific offer. The buyer should then click on the active “Order” button. In the newly opened window, the buyer has the option to review the order details and change the quantity. The new quantity cannot be less than the minimum set in the variant but can be greater. After selecting “Order,” the respective seller will be notified of the placed order, which will be registered in the “Orders” section.

When the buyer places an order from their catalog, it will appear with the status “New” in the “Orders” section. Whenever there is a change in the status of an order by the seller, the buyer is notified to stay informed about the progress of the order. The individual columns in the table provide the necessary information about the order, and the order itself can be viewed by clicking on the order number (first column).
Once the seller finalizes the order and there are no remaining product shipments or payments to be received, the buyer can mark the order as completed by clicking the “Mark as Completed” button.