IPS List Bidding- Sellers

It is not necessary for sellers to participate in an auction initiated by a buyer in order to submit an offer for a product requested by the buyer. They can compete to win the buyer’s business by directly submitting offers for IPS options in their nomenclature.

Under the “Companies” section, sellers can locate buyers by searching for specific products, main categories, or the company name. When the seller enters the name of the specific product or category they are interested in searching for buyers, a list of such buyers automatically appears. The list only contains buyers who have the seller’s advertised product in their nomenclature by including it in an IPS. Since buyers have the ability to determine the visibility of each of their IPS, sellers will only have visibility to IPSs that are configured to have public access. The opposite applies if the buyer sets the IPS visibility settings to private access.

 When in “Companies” menu , decide whether you will search for buyers by product, product category, or the name of a specific company that you know is interested in purchasing products and services offered by you. If you choose to search by product, enter the name of the specific product you are looking for in the search field. “Search by Category” is similar to searching by product, but instead of manually entering the name of the product or category you are searching for, you use the dropdown menu. In the search bar, you can search by category name.

Once you have reached the desired result of your search, select which products you want to offer by clicking the “Select” button at the end of the field where the name of each product of interest to you is displayed.

After making your selection, a list of buyers containing the products you searched for in their nomenclatures will appear, also displaying the names of all IPSs associated with your search, the types of IPSs, and the product categories.

After all buyers and the names of their IPSs containing the products sought by the seller become visible, to submit an offer, click the “Offer” button located at the right end of each row containing an IPS.

The selected IPS will open, and all its options and the products contained within them will be displayed.

To submit an offer for a product contained within an IPS option, you need to enter the mandatory values listed under its name, including the price value of your offer for the quantity specified in the option, as well as validity, warranty period, and delivery period in days. The validity period determines for what period of time the offer submitted by the seller will be valid at the price specified by them. Please note that the buyer who creates the IPS and its options determines whether additional fields related to the purchase order, such as offer validity, product warranty, and delivery period, will be activated for filling in. This decision is based on the importance of these parameters for the buyer. Additional fields can be activated during the creation of the IPS option and can be enabled or disabled at any time as deemed necessary by the buyer.

After you have filled in the necessary information, press the “Place Offer” button. The offer will be immediately registered in the buyer’s nomenclature and he will be notified by notification of an offer received. By submitting an offer for a product, it automatically becomes part of your product list.

Sellers can make more than one offer for a product in an IPS variant by improving their own initial offer. The improved one may be based on a change in the warranty and delivery period of the product, as well as the validity of the offer. For example, if a seller can offer a shorter and a longer delivery period, the bid submitted for the shorter delivery period will be higher than that for the longer one. When creating an IPS variant, the buyer can define mandatory requirements that are not subject to change and modification by the seller. Such mandatory requirements may include product warranty period or delivery period.

To change the offer details you have already entered, press the button with a pencil symbol meaning “Edit offer”. To cancel your bid, simply click the red bin to the right of the edit symbol. The “Place Offer” button can also be used for an alternative offer for the same product or for a new offer for another IPS product.

An important aspect of inventory bidding is bidding visibility settings. Offers submitted by sellers in buyer listings may be visible or invisible to other bidding sellers, depending on the visibility settings set by the buyer. The bidding visibility settings in the nomenclature are identical to those when preparing tenders. If the buyer sets “Public” offering type, all offers submitted by sellers in a catalog, including their price values, will be visible to every seller who participated with an offer. “Semi public” offering type allows participating sellers to see only the price values ​​of the bids, but not the names of the companies. “Private” offering type has the greatest limitation, since the participating sellers have no visibility either of the price of submitted bids, or of the names of the companies that submitted them.

If you have a specific company in mind that you know buys similar products to those you have in your list, you can also initiate the search by entering the name in the search bar under “Company Search”.

When the name of the company you are searching for appears, click on the link. A window will open with the company information and its existing IPSs that are configured by the buyer to have public access.

When you find an IPS that interests you, click the “Offer” button located on the right side of the bar where the IPS is displayed.

Once the IPS you selected opens, displaying all its products and options, the procedure for submitting an offer is the same as described in the “Search by Product” section.

All offers submitted by the seller can be found in the menu “Buyers” -> “My Offers”. From here, each seller can easily review all their submitted offers in one place, edit them, or delete them.