Buyers have access to all offers submitted by sellers for their IPS options in their nomenclature. When entering the “IPS Nomenclature,” the buyer selects an IPS to open by clicking on the link with the IPS name to view the options contained within it and the products in them.
The offers include mandatory parameters/values entered by sellers, including the price value of your offer for the quantity specified in the option, as well as validity, warranty period, and delivery period in days. The validity period determines for what period of time the offer submitted by the seller will be valid at the price specified by them. After this period, the offer will be automatically deleted. The warranty period and delivery period may already be set by the buyer when creating the IPS option, and the seller may not need to fill them in. After reviewing and evaluating all submitted offers, the buyer can place an order for the most suitable offer for them.
The offers submitted by sellers in the buyer’s nomenclature can be visible or invisible to other offering sellers, depending on the visibility settings defined by the buyer. The visibility settings for offering in the nomenclature are identical to those for preparing bids. This happens when the buyer defines values/parameters for IPS options. If the buyer sets “Public” offering, all offers submitted by sellers in the nomenclature, including their price values, will be visible to every participating seller. “Semi-public” offering allows participating sellers to only view the price values of the offers, but not the names of the companies that submitted them. “Private” offering has the greatest limitation, as participating sellers have no visibility to either the prices of submitted offers or the names of the companies that submitted them.