Creating a product

If the product you are looking for is not available in the Product Catalogue, you have the option to create a new one to later add it to your catalogue.

When you are in the “Product Catalogue” section, initiate a search for the specific category from the dropdown menu or enter its name in the search bar.

Once you reach the desired category, refine your search by filtering through the appearing subcategories.

When you reach the final subcategory where the product you are looking for is expected to be, click on “Select” in the bottom right corner.

Click on “Create product” highlighted in blue.

Afterwards, you can start the description of the new product. Please follow the steps description for creating the product.

1.Fill in the product Title in both English (EN) and Bulgarian (BG). You can just copy-paste the English title in the BG section if the product you are creating will be traded amongst non-Bulgarian entities.

2. You can add existing attributes from the right side of the screen, via the Attribute search field or the “+” button to the right of each attribute. You can also add all attributes from any given attribute group by clicking on Add all at the bottom of each group.

3. In case you cannot find an attribute you are searching for, please contact our Customer support team at


4. In order to save a newly added attribute, you need to fill in values for it, if needed.

5. In order to delete an attribute, you need to click on the ”x” to the right in the attribute box.

After you have filled in all the data for the new product, click ‘Create Product’ to make it available in the Product Catalogue under the designated category.

A newly created product can only be edited or deleted by its creator company.